


Laurel Family law. Experience, knowledge and resolution.

Architectural photograph of white wave shaped building.

Lawyers with the experience, knowledge and compassion to assist you in moving your matter toward a resolution beneficial to you and your family.



Lawyer to lawyer negotiation is the first step that is taken in most family law disputes.  During this process information or disclosure is exchanged and attempts are made between the parties through lawyers to reach an amicable agreement.


Mediation is a process of resolving disputes that involves retaining a third party mediator (typically a senior family law lawyer) who attempts to achieve settlement by helping the parties resolve their differences through bargaining.


Collaborative Practice aims to resolve family disputes without going to court – and requires a written commitment from all parties and professionals to confirm this. Children always come first. The focus is on you and your family, while addressing the issues in a respectful and transparent manner, including full financial disclosure.


In some cases, the court process is the best alternative to resolve your family law dispute. This process is often explored after attempts at negotiation and mediation are exhausted. Litigation is commenced for many reasons, and in rare instances, results in a trial.

A boutique firm dedicated exclusively
to family law.


We look forward to building a relationship with you, and to assisting you with creative and cost-effective solutions during a stressful and emotional period of your life.

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